Iraq to the UK: A Disabled Dog’s Journey to Safety

Iraq to the UK: A Disabled Dog’s Journey to Safety

Disabled Dog rescued from Iraq receives wheelchair and now needs a home!

She is so so happy to be mobile again! She saw a squirrel today, and if I hadn’t had her on a leash, she would have taken off at full speed!”

— War Paws

WEST MIDLANDS, UNITED KINGDOM, October 27, 2023 / — For the last four years, disabled rescue dog, Sylvia, has called the War Paws Rescue home. Originally rescued from a “farm” in Iraq where Sylvia and 45 other dogs with disabilities were rescued by local women who were underprepared for the care these pups would need.

War Paws Operation Manager, Louise Hastie, said,

“When War Paws first became involved with the shelter at the request of the local ladies who were running it, I was horrified to see that Sylvia and her friend’s needs were not even close to being met, both had horrific pressure sores and more often than not they were being put on wheels and left on them for hours on end and because the ground at the shelter was nothing more than dirt and rocks they would often spend more time on their backs after the wheels had tipped over and the workers had not dealt with it.  This changed quickly once War Paws took over the shelter.”

War Paws’ first order of business was to make sure that all dogs received proper medical care, they created a disabled section at the shelter where staff laid a foam floor and moved the dogs a bit closer to the staff room. Hastie said,

“Things went well for a while, until the vet at the shelter left, and the clinic assistant had a holiday for a week, and sadly, in that week, the staff who had been tasked with changing Sylvia’s dressing each day put the dressings on too tight, and when our clinic assistant came back she had developed a terrible infection in their legs, we fought for weeks to deal with the infection and Sylvia did respond to treatment but her pressure sores were left bigger than they had been previously and her rear end just got weaker and weaker. In the end, we had no choice but to amputate one of her back legs.”

Now healed after her surgery, Sylvia’s hind legs were still weak, and she was still struggling to walk or stand on her own. Hastie knew that to give Sylvia the best chance at adoption, she needed to come to the UK, and Sylvia needed a wheelchair of her own.

WATCH: Sylvia’s full rescue story & transformation!

Hastie contacted NH-based pet mobility company Walkin’ Pets, who was happy to donate Sylvia a new Walkin’ Wheels dog wheelchair. Her wheelchair is still new to her, according to Hastie,

“She is so so happy to be mobile again! She saw a squirrel today, and if I hadn’t had her on a leash, she would have taken off at full speed!”

The rescue says,

“We cannot thank Walkin’ Pets enough for ensuring that Sylvia had a wheelchair that was a perfect fit waiting for her when she landed in the UK. It warms our hearts to see her exploring, making new friends, and enjoying a quality of life that would have otherwise been out of reach for her. She has no limitations as a dog. She loves everyone, and everyone loves her.”

Now, at six years old, Sylvia is ready to find her forever home.


Walkin’ Pets is the proven leader in pet mobility, with a 20-year record of helping to set miracles into motion, Walkin’ Pets products are designed to keep pets moving, helping over 1.85 million pets get back to what’s important, enjoying their family and living an active, healthier lifestyle. At Walkin’ Pets, we don’t make miracles, we just set them in motion.  

To learn more, visit 

War Paws was created to provide a voice and make a difference for the forgotten animals of war.  They feel that the only way to make the difference that is needed is not to just try and remove the animals from war zones and areas of civil conflict, but instead, aim to provide education for the local populations, provide information and encouragement on better animal welfare and animal husbandry and to promote happy and healthy ownership of animals.

To learn more. Visit

Mikayla Chergey
Walkin’ Pets
+1 888-253-0777
[email protected]

WATCH: Sylvia’s full rescue story & transformation!

Originally published at