SpaceCatch NFTs sold out in 33 seconds: What comes next

SpaceCatch NFTs sold out in 33 seconds: What comes next

SpaceCatch NFT sold out

Catch totem

SpaceCatch genesis box NFT

Although a strong bear market prevails in the NFT market, quality projects have no trouble selling their NFTs. A great example is the mobile game SpaceCatch.

DUBAI, UAE, August 28, 2023/ — Although a strong bear market prevails in the NFT market, quality projects have no trouble selling their NFTs. A great example is the mobile game SpaceCatch, which sold out its very first NFT collection in just 33 seconds. The immense interest stems primarily from the project’s quality. But what will follow?

About SpaceCatch

SpaceCatch is a mobile game that combines elements of Web 2.0 with Web 3.0. The game supports augmented reality, similar to the well-known game Pokémon GO, but it also incorporates blockchain and NFT elements, providing players with an entirely new gaming experience.

The game will also have an open gaming economy, meaning players have ownership of their in-game items/money and can freely trade or sell them. This opens up a new category of investment players who will have multiple ways to profit actively or passively within the SpaceCatch game.

An important aspect is that the $CATCH token is not an in-game reward token, thus avoiding the massive inflationary pressure and token price depreciation seen in 98% of other crypto “games”. Furthermore, SpaceCatch has been in active development for a year, and the full version of the game is set to be released by the end of this year.

SpaceCatch NFT Utility

Thanks to the quality and sophisticated mechanics of the SpaceCatch game, we managed to sell the first 500 NFT Genesis Boxes in 33 seconds. But what caused such a great demand for these NFTs amid an NFT bear market?

There are several answers, but they share a common theme — utility. The NFT Genesis Boxes have several utilities: They are the most rare boxes in the game, with a total supply of 10,000 NFTs. These NFTs will be gradually released over the next 2 years, with each subsequent pre-sale phase being more expensive than the previous one. The first phase was priced at $50, and the price of the next phase is estimated to be $100.

Each box contains parts from the most valuable set in the game, the Genesis Armor Set & Genesis Weapon Set. The difficulty of tasks in the game will increase, with some tasks requiring the strongest armour and weapons to succeed and receive rewards.

As SpaceCatch aims to be accessible to everyone, SpaceCatch NFT Lending will be implemented. Owners of rare and strong NFTs can lend them to other players, creating a win-win model where NFT owners can passively profit from the game, while regular players don’t need to buy expensive NFTs but can instead rent them for the duration needed to complete tasks. It will be a peer-to-peer model, where both parties can create rental offers for a predetermined price and duration.

Holders of these NFTs will gain access to bonus tasks on Zealy (described below). Additionally, a certain number of tokens are reserved solely for box holders as a bonus.

Confirmed $CATCH Token Airdrop

The SpaceCatch game has also confirmed an airdrop of its $CATCH token. What we know so far is that this airdrop will be a reward for completing tasks on the Platform.

There is currently a category of tasks on Zealy exclusively for NFT Genesis Box holders. Anyone who owns this box and verifies their “Genesis NFT Hodler” role through the SpaceCatch Discord will gain access to daily/weekly/monthly tasks, allowing them to earn free XP.

Owners of these NFT Genesis Boxes can increase their $CATCH airdrop by up to 100%. The preliminary airdrop date has also been announced — by the end of this year.


The biggest issue with NFTs in general is the lack of utility and the abundance of empty promises. However, SpaceCatch eliminates all of this with its NFTs.

Joe Mello
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