Announces the Attorney Advertising Awards

MyLegalWin Attorney Advertising Awards

MyLegalWin Attorney Advertising Awards

MyLegalWin launches the Attorney Advertising Awards, celebrating legal advertising excellence in 30 merit-based categories. Winners announced March 15, 2024.

We are committed to honoring authentic talent and innovation in legal marketing. Our focus on merit and unbiased evaluation is set to establish a new benchmark for recognition in the legal industry.”

— Jack Colton

AUSTIN, TEXAS, UNITED STATES, December 13, 2023 / — In a significant move to innovate the standards of legal industry recognition, MyLegalWin unveils the inaugural Attorney Advertising Awards. This initiative marks a departure from traditional award models, championing a merit-based approach that celebrates genuine creativity and impact in legal advertising.

The Attorney Advertising Awards are designed to celebrate the most compelling and innovative advertising campaigns across the legal sector. Spanning 30 categories, the awards recognize a diverse range of marketing excellence, from digital innovation to traditional media brilliance. This initiative is a bold statement against the prevalent pay-to-play accolade systems, ensuring that accolades are earned purely on the basis of merit.

MyLegalWin has assembled an esteemed panel of independent jurors, consisting of experienced legal professionals and respected industry leaders. This panel’s role is to meticulously assess each entry, bringing a level of impartiality and expertise that guarantees the recognition of truly outstanding legal advertising efforts.

Jack Colton, the founder of MyLegalWin, expressed his enthusiasm for the new awards: “The launch of the Attorney Advertising Awards is a pivotal moment for MyLegalWin. We are committed to honoring authentic talent and innovation in legal marketing. Our focus on merit and unbiased evaluation is set to establish a new benchmark for recognition in the legal industry.”

Open to law firms of all sizes and areas of practice, regardless of whether they are MyLegalWin members, the Attorney Advertising Awards embody MyLegalWin’s commitment to transparency and excellence in the legal accolades. The winners will be announced March 15th, 2024.

About MyLegalWin:

MyLegalWin ( is an innovative membership platform for legal professionals, offering a comprehensive attorney directory, exclusive member benefits, and a merit-based awards program. Launched in December 2023, MyLegalWin is dedicated to enhancing the market presence of legal professionals and providing resources that support their practice and professional growth.

About Silent West:

Silent West (, the managing entity behind MyLegalWin, is renowned for its expertise in creating and nurturing successful online platforms. With a focus on user experience and value, Silent West continues to make significant strides in various industries, including the legal sector with MyLegalWin.

Angelique Phipps
Silent West
[email protected]
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