Learning to Read: American History Volume 1 is now available for homeschoolers and readers of all ages

Learning to Read: American History Volume 1 is now available for homeschoolers and readers of all ages

Learning to Read: American History Volume 1

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Learning to Read: American History Volume 1 eBook

Learning to Read: American History Volume 1 Paperback and e-Book Release

My grandchildren love the stories which are beautifully illustrated, fun, and easy to read!”

— Pat D.

ROMULUS, MICHIGAN, UNITED STATES , October 12, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ — Young readers will begin their historical journey by learning how to read with adventures in early American history. They will follow early American heroes like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Readers will discover the contributions of Sacagawea as she assisted the Lewis and Clark Expedition. This easy-to-read book begins with the time period of 1500 BCE on through 1865 (Civil War).

Learning to Read: American History, Volume 1 is designed for children, homeschoolers, or ESL learners who will improve their reading skills with new vocabulary words. Learning to read is interlaced with the introduction of new vocabulary words in context. While this book is useful as bedtime stories and fun time, it is also an instructional aid in the reading development process.

One user stated, “My grandchildren love the stories which are beautifully illustrated, fun, and easy to read!” This was a result of her using the whole reading approach which consists of the same story told with an audiobook, Kindle, and paperback. The audiobook introduces the new words. The paperback usage teaches the skills of turning pages, left to right reading, focusing on each line of words, and sentence structure. This Kindle book helps the reader remember what they read before and how it connects to what they are reading now.

The whole reading approach is a method of teaching reading that involves using different formats of the same story to help children learn new words, develop reading skills, and enhance comprehension. The user’s statement reflects how her grandchildren enjoyed and benefited from this approach. The audiobook, Kindle, and paperback versions of the story complement each other and provide a rich and engaging reading experience.

The companion activity book, Learning to Read: American History Study Guide, Volume 1 provides useful practice activities and exercises for each story. Together they will build your child’s reading skills.

About the Author

Faith Sheptoski-Forbush is a veteran school teacher, reading specialist, and blog writer with a master’s degree in reading. Faith is a published author of four other books in her Learning to Read series. Faith, together with her family, likes animals, exciting movies, visiting unique places, trying new foods, and sports.

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ISBN 978-1-7340186-6-0 (print)

ISBN 978-1-7340186-7-7 (ebook)

Faith Sheptoski-Forbush
Christians Forever
[email protected]
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Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/661159360/learning-to-read-american-history-volume-1-is-now-available-for-homeschoolers-and-readers-of-all-ages