Kathy Taylor Saulsberry of TaylorMade Consultants to be Featured on Close Up Radio

Kathy Taylor Saulsberry of TaylorMade Consultants to be Featured on Close Up Radio

PHOENIX, ARIZONA, UNITED STATES, March 11, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, as reported by Fundera, approximately 20% of small businesses fail within the first year. By the end of the second year, 30% of businesses will have failed. For too many of us, success can be elusive. According to Kathy Taylor Salsbury of TaylorMade Consultants, that’s because we all define success differently. “We all have different meters for success,” explains Kathy.

“For example, one person can feel successful after 30 years on the job, while another will find that lifestyle stifling,” Kathy elaborates. Entrepreneurs first need to think about how they define success.

Adding to this aspect, entrepreneurs don’t get a lot of feedback. With a 9:00 to 5:00 job, you know what is expected each day, and hopefully, you receive feedback on your performance. As an entrepreneur, you have to reach out to get that feedback—and with everyone asking for feedback, getting it is becoming more and more difficult for entrepreneurs. In this respect, success can be uncomfortable because you don’t know what your clients are thinking—you don’t see an immediate benefit.

Without support, entrepreneurs too often create their own meters for success. “The problem here is that we are our own worst critics and our self-assessments are often inaccurate,” explains Kathy.

“I created TaylorMade Consultants to eliminate these roadblocks to success,” Kathy shares. “I’m also thrilled to be creating a legacy for my family with this family-run business.”

In her previous life as a corporate trainer, Kathy was introduced to the concept of Mind Maps. “They’re basically an organization chart, or a map, to learning a new skill or achieving a goal,” Kathy explains. “TaylorMade is now mapping out clients’ dreams and how to get there. Mind Maps allow clients to check off accomplishments as they are reached, which provides positive, real-time feedback on progress made.

“We don’t just give clients a map, though, and send them off. Each client is assigned a mentor, who spends a minimum of two hours/week with each client, for anywhere from six months up to a year-or for however long it takes,” elaborates Kathy. “Working with a mentor allows clients to identify obstacles before they happen.”

Kathy and her daughter, Jazzmine Jacks, also offer personal styling services. “We’ve had clients who just didn’t know what to wear to a meeting, so we go shopping for them, help with makeup, and work on presentation skills.” TaylorMade doesn’t stop there—personal style and branding is also offered for social media and websites.

TaylorMade also offers financing support, collaborating with lenders which work with challenging credit. “I get real about money. I’ve had some difficult discussions with clients who were not thinking about the big picture. Your clothing should not be more valuable than what you have in the bank,” Kathy explains.

“Too often, entrepreneurs don’t want to have this discussion. Approaching these situations as real teaching moments, I work with the client and we go through everything together in a nurturing way to repair any damage that might have been done. It’s all reversible.”

But as Kathy explains, “This is just another uncomfortable aspect of success—having to watch your pennies.”

“One of my most memorable successes was receiving a phone call from a client who explained he was calling from the Virgin Islands. He wanted to tell me that he had taken his family on their very first vacation and had to let me know he couldn’t have made it without all the support he received from TaylorMade.”

Kathy knows a lot about feeling uncomfortable. As a Multiple Sclerosis survivor, she works tirelessly as an advocate for affordable healthcare with Arizona Senator Mark Kelly. She has participated in roundtable discussions and making others aware of financial obstacles to healthcare.

Kathy has been asked to run for office… “I’m mulling it around, it’s a lot of responsibility. I need to decide if I have the time for it. For now, I give back to the community by advocating for change. Politicians have a difficult time creating real change—getting a bill passed is so difficult. We all have to start at local levels; state and local elections help us to get things right at home first, and then it gets national recognition.”

TaylorMade Consultants offers free 15-minute consultations. As Kathy explains, “I am in this for the joy of seeing people succeed. Taylormade’s goal is to improve the percentage of failed businesses statistic in the best way that we can.”

Kathy is proud to be honored as a 2024-2025 Marquis Who’s Who in America for her inclusion which is limited to individuals who possess professional integrity, demonstrate outstanding achievement in their respective fields and have made innumerable contributions to society as a whole.

Close Up Radio will feature Kathy Taylor Saulsberry in an interview with Doug Lewellyn on Wednesday, March 13th at Noon Eastern

Listen to the show on BlogTalkRadio

If you have questions for our guest, please call (347) 996-3389

For more information about Kathy Taylor Saulsberry and TaylorMade Consultants, please visit https://www.taylormadeconsultants.net

Lou Ceparano
Close Up Television & Radio
+1 631-850-3314
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Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/694922712/kathy-taylor-saulsberry-of-taylormade-consultants-to-be-featured-on-close-up-radio