JoDee Hecko of Soulful Conversations Life Coaching to be Featured on Close Up Radio

KELOWNA, BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA, February 19, 2024 / — Whether you’re approaching mid-life age, or in your mid-life years, you may be struggling to navigate the proverbial “midlife slump.” With so many transitions you’re facing, such as career transitions, marital or relationship issues, health, becoming an empty nester, caring for aging parents, you might feel overwhelmed, exhausted, lost, purposeless, and disconnected from your true, authentic self. You may be questioning your accomplishments and achievements, and perhaps even your own self-worth. After all, isn’t this what society expects you to feel, that this is all an inevitable part of getting older? The truth is aging is unavoidable, but suffering is optional. It doesn’t have to be doom and gloom. With the right support system, one beyond traditional therapy, women can find clarity, unlock their full potential, and discover an enlightened path to a new and fulfilling life they have dreamed of but never thought possible.

JoDee Hecko is the owner and founder of Soulful Conversations Life Coaching. She is dedicated to reconnect women, who are navigating their midlife chapter back to their authentic selves, sparking a transformative change from within.

JoDee’s mission is tailored to uplift women in midlife, aged 45 and above, who have dedicated their lives to the care of others, whether it’s their children, spouses, elderly parents, or service-oriented careers, often placing their own needs last. Through asking powerful questions, JoDee empowers these women to gracefully navigate the complexities of their mid-life. She supports these beautiful women in shifting from being last to first on their to-do list as they (re)learn how to love themselves, reignite their purpose and passion at their stage in their lives, conquer self-imposed limitations, and create the exquisite life that they have been dreaming of.

JoDee’s clientele comprises accomplished, compassionate women who have dedicated themselves to service-oriented professions, including nursing, teaching, social work, and counseling. Whether as daughters, sisters, friends, wives, or mothers, they have consistently been the dependable rock, ready to assist others at a moment’s notice while balancing careers, parenthood, and marital responsibilities. However, as they approach mid-life, a realization may dawn upon them: ‘I’ve lost touch with who I am.” They may find themselves yearning for a life brimming with meaning, purpose, passion, and joy, sensing that their current pursuits may fall short of fulfilling these aspirations.

JoDee’s coaching practice stems from her personal journey, filled with life experiences, challenges, and growth. Alongside her role as a life and mindset coach, she holds a Master’s in Social Work with a Clinical Specialization, boasting over two decades of diverse counseling and teaching experience. Most recently, she dedicated herself to educating adults in a college vocational program, leaving a profound impact on every individual she encountered. At one point in her teaching role, despite loving the privileged position of being able to support adults in developing their professional selves to support the most vulnerable in their communities, she experienced profound burnout. In engaging in her own self-work and healing, she was able to stay in the teaching profession with a full heart. During this time of introspection and exploration, she discovered coaching and courageously pursued certification. Upon retirement from teaching in July 2023, she now returns to her first love of supporting women either 1-1 or in a group setting.

JoDee points out that historically, mid life has been ingrained in women to fear aging when, in fact, we do not have to conform to societal expectatons and obligations. JoDee hopes women can embrace mid-life as an opportunity for growth, a magical time of transformation, a way to reinvent themselves, and explore new possibilities. After all we are aging differently than previous generations, living longer, and staying healthier. Now is the opportunity for women to build the exquisite life they have always dreamed of and to live with intention and genuine joy.

JoDee wholeheartedly believes in order to create real and lasting change it starts with our mindset and that is the core of her coaching. With warmth and compassion she offers the techniques, strategies, and tools to help all her clients live without running on autopilot, rather with ease, peace of mind, and enhanced focus to achieve their goals.

JoDee is excited to have created an online Facebook program, Exquisitely YOU, for women 45 and over, who are ready to re-love themselves, reignite their passion and purpose at this stage of their lives. It’s created to help women overcome their inner critic and tap into their inner wisdom and create the exquisite life they have dreamed of but haven’t been sure how to start.

If you are ready to live more fully and envision a bright future with a more aligned you and embody a new way of being, JoDee is ready to take you to the next level and help you become the best version of you.

Close Up Radio will feature JoDee Hecko in an interview with Jim Masters on Wednesday February 21st at 3pm Eastern

Listen to the show on BlogTalkRadio

If you have any questions for our guest, please call (347) 996-3389

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Written By: Beatrice Maria Centeno

Lou Ceparano
Close Up Television & Radio
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