Has Successfully Completed The Pre-Seed Phase Has Successfully Completed The Pre-Seed Phase

John-Fabian Peters – German Founder of CMTYS

NICOSIA, CYPRUS, February 14, 2024 / — John Fabian Peters, Founder and CEO of Betrama LTD. based in Nicosia, announces the completion of the initial private investments and the development of the prototype (named X010) in developer mode. This marks a significant milestone on the path to revolutionizing online communities.

The upcoming Seed Phase signifies a pivotal moment for The company aims to attract investors who share its vision for reshaping online communities. Under the expert leadership of John Fabian Peters and his partner Joseph M., an experienced Cybersecurity expert and CTO of, intensive work on a Minimal Viable Product (MVP) will take place over the next 14 months. Additionally, plans for establishing headquarters in Nicosia or Limassol are in progress. With meticulous planning, dedication, and strategic partnerships, the team is determined to give the product the finishing touch. The goal is to support administrators and community members alike with innovative solutions and an unparalleled exchange.

The team around John Fabian Peters will also be present at this year’s Reflect Festival in Limassol, and naturally, wherever the tech elite convenes.

The Seed Phase is expected to be conducted through Angels (Network) and/or directly through VC’s who can bring experience and capital into the company. The investment requirement for the Seed Phase has been set at approximately 800,000 Euros.

This will cover the costs for launching the MVP. The goal is to attract new investors for Series A and B with the MVP and subsequently expand internationally, with a focus on North/South America, Europe/East, the Middle East, and South Korea. First co-marketing contacts with leading gaming companies have already been conducted. The Power of Administrators

Administrators are the driving force behind a community. They not only bring people together and foster engagement but are also crucial for the community’s financial support. With, administrators receive an all-in-one tool to effectively manage and promote their communities.

The potential of the market is vast, with online communities becoming increasingly central to how people connect, share information, and collaborate. Millions of people worldwide are actively engaging in online platforms, and experts predict that by 2025, over 3 billion people globally will regularly participate in online communities. This immense user base offers a tremendous market for a community (CMTY) platform.

John-Fabian Peters
Betrama Ltd. (
+357 99 259140
[email protected]

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