Cleveland-Area Based Author and Speaker, Matthew Cossolotto, Profiled as “Rising Star” in VoyageOhio Magazine

Matthew Cossolotto The Podium Pro Logo — Reach Your Peak Potential

Matthew Cossolotto's The Joy of Public Speaking  Book Cover

Matthew Cossolotto’s The Joy of Public Speaking Book Cover

PEPTalks Logo -- Matthew Cossolotto's Personal Empowerment Programs

PEPTalks Logo — Matthew Cossolotto’s Personal Empowerment Programs

Author of The Joy of Public Speaking, Cossolotto has shared his ideas with various audiences, including a major international organization in Brussels, Belgium

One of my goals is to help my clients turn stage fright into stage delight… I urge readers and clients to employ what I call “the gentle art of mental joyjitsu” to make powerful mindset shifts.”

— Matthew Cossolotto, Author of The Joy of Public Speaking

CLEVELAND, OHIO, UNITED STATES, March 30, 2024 / — VoyageOhio Magazine recently interviewed Cleveland-area based author and speaker Matthew Cossolotto (aka The Podium Pro). The headline identifies Cossolotto as a “rising star.”

VoyageOhio is part of the LA-based Voyage Group of Magazines. Its mission is to promote mom and pops, artists, creatives, change-makers and small businesses by providing a platform for these hidden gems to tell their stories in their own words.

Cossolotto’s senior-level leadership communications career spans the corridors of power and influence on both sides of the Atlantic – as a former speechwriter for top leaders at NATO headquarters in Brussels, the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, the Chancellor of UCLA, senior executives of several Fortune 100 corporations, and as a legislative aide to former Congressman Leon Panetta.

Now based in the greater Cleveland area, Cossolotto is actively seeking clients and venues for his speaking and coaching programs in Ohio and more widely on both sides of the Atlantic. Cossolotto recently launched a new website (, complete with a demo video and an overview of his lineup of Personal Empowerment Programs (PEPTalks).

As a guest speaker, workshop leader, and executive speech coach, Cossolotto has shared his public speaking and other personal empowerment ideas with a wide range of domestic and international audiences, including corporations, associations, government agencies, conferences, schools, community groups, and nonprofits/NGOs. For example, in March 2024 Cossolotto conducted a series of four PodiumPower! public speaking workshops, two “Joy of Public Speaking” presentations, and two one-on-one executive coaching sessions for a major international organization in Brussels, Belgium.

In addition, Cossolotto recently completed a six-part public speaking Master Class series for Brussels-based Together Magazine. The six Master Class articles summarize some of the key public speaking ideas and insights from Cossolotto’s book — The Joy of Public Speaking – your comprehensive guide to speaking success and personal empowerment.

The VoyageOhio interview focuses on Cossolotto’s career as a CEO-level speechwriter and speech coach and on his current array of services as a speaker, workshop leader, and speech coach. Cossolotto also discusses his trilogy of personal empowerment books. Here’s how Cossolotto describes his offerings to potential venues and clients:

“I focus my books, coaching, and speaking programs on the tools needed for empowering mindset shifts. This approach applies to all three power tools in my Triad Empowerment System—Habits / Speaking / Promises—and my trilogy of books on these topics. The Joy of Public Speaking is the first book in my personal empowerment trilogy. Two additional books in the series are coming soon: Harness Your HabitForce, which spotlights the seven habits of FAILURE and SUCCESS, and Embrace Your Promise Power, featuring an extensive foreword written by Jack Canfield, co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul® series.”

A Life-Purpose Turning Point: Making a Promise to His Mother

In the VoyageOhio interview, Cossolotto describes something of a turning point in his career trajectory and life purpose:

“I made a promise to my mother on her deathbed that I would finish writing a book she had been encouraging me to write and dedicate it to her memory. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes and said: ‘You do that, Matthew. You do that. This makes me very happy.’

When I made that heartfelt promise, I knew right away that failure was not an option. I knew I had crossed the proverbial Rubicon. I’m proud to say I kept that promise. But here’s the rub. The book I promised to write wasn’t really in my comfort zone. It was a self-help book, and at the time, I didn’t think of myself as a self-help author. Something tells me that my mother did think of me that way. I think she encouraged me to write this book precisely because she knew it was outside my comfort zone and that it was something I was destined to do. I believe she saw me as a personal empowerment teacher, trainer, and coach long before I thought of myself in those terms. Thank you, mom!

Making that promise put me on my current path as a personal empowerment author, speaker, workshop leader, and coach.

It also helped to shape my overriding mission: to help millions of people around the world replace negative, disempowering habits of thought with positive, empowering mindsets. I believe my most recent book—The Joy of Public Speaking: Find Your Voice and Reach Your Peak Potential—will play a key role in enabling me to fulfill that mission. “

The Gentle Art of Mental Joyjitsu: Turn Stage Fright into Stage Delight

In the VoyageOhio interview, Cossolotto talks about his approach to public speaking success contained in his book, The Joy of Public Speaking, and in his coaching and speaking programs:

“One of my goals as an author, speaker, and coach is to help my clients turn stage fright into stage delight. The encouraging fact is most of us actually enjoy talking with others—friends, relatives, colleagues, and even complete strangers… I urge readers and clients to employ what I call “the gentle art of mental joyjitsu” to make powerful mindset shifts that will propel them on a life-changing journey to joy. The Joy of Public Speaking embraces a simple proposition: People who learn to enjoy public speaking tend to be better at it than those hobbled by anxiety, trepidation, or outright terror. In the book—and in my speech coaching and speaking programs—I help readers and clients recognize self-defeating attitudes, feelings, and habits and replace them with empowering mindsets to fast-track their success on podium and beyond.”

To book Matthew Cossolotto as a guest speaker, workshop leader, or speech coach, visit

The Joy of Public Speaking is available on Amazon books.

Matthew Cossolotto
The Podium Pro
+1 440-597-9018
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