Christina Bui Awarded Aspire2STEAM Scholarship

Christina Bui Awarded Aspire2STEAM Scholarship

Christina Bui, Aspire2STEAM Scholarship Recipient

Aspiring Anesthesiologist Assistant Uses Strengths in Interpersonal Communications to Make Strides in Health Care

I believe my human interaction abilities along with my education in anesthesiology will help me ensure patient safety.”

— Christina Bui

ANKENY, IA, UNITED STATES, May 22, 2024 / —, which provides educational scholarships and mentoring to young women and girls who are working toward careers that require education in science, tech, engineering, the arts, or math (STEAM), has awarded Christina Bui a multi-year LEGACY scholarship. Christina is a rising junior at North Carolina State University majoring in Human Biology.

“Christina’s finely honed interaction skills will serve her quite well in health care,” said Cheryl O’Donoghue, CEO at Aspire2STEAM. “The topic has been widely researched and we now know that professional, interpersonal communication helps to prevent medication errors, improve patient experience, and deliver better patient outcomes — all of which can reduce health care costs. Effective interaction skills have a far greater impact than most may realize.”

Christina has had two reoccurring themes throughout her life—her desire to help others and a love for biology. From a young age, she would find fulfillment from assisting her parents with household chores and meal preparation and would spend countless hours volunteering in the community.

However, interacting with others didn’t always come easily for Christina, especially in her younger years. Christina described herself as being anxiety-ridden, quiet, and reclusive. But that changed dramatically over the years as she spent hours learning and practicing how to speak up and collaborate with others. The more she practiced, the less anxious she felt. “As I have grown up, I have learned to enjoy the presence of others and work well with peers or teammates to complete any task,” said Christina. “I’ve also taken on team leadership positions, serving in roles such as ‘captain’ or ‘chairman,’ which have greatly boosted my ability to guide groups of people to implement effective solutions.”

The subject of Biology has been another constant in Christina’s life. Being fascinated at a young age with human anatomy and biology-related subjects, she participated in multiple STEM camps and classes to further her understanding. She is excited about continuing her college studies this semester, taking one step closer to her dream career as an Anesthesiologist Assistant. Eventually, Christina plans to obtain a Master of Science in Anesthesia.

“When a patient undergoes major surgery it can create a lot of anxiety, including anxiety about receiving anesthesia and being asleep,” said Christina. “I believe my human interaction abilities along with my education in anesthesiology will help me ensure patient safety,” said Christina. “My goal is to help patients feel more confident and calmer, while giving them assurances they are in the care of a trusted anesthesiologist.”

About Aspire2STEAM

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Established in 2018, is a charitable 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, which has earned Guidestar’s Gold Seal for integrity, transparency, and accountability. Aspire2STEAM provides educational scholarships and mentoring to young women and girls who are working hard—aspiring—to achieve careers that require education in science, tech, engineering, the arts, or math. Aspire2STEAM is committed to helping women and girls with a hand up over the incredible barriers of student debt and rising education costs, and the real, ever-present opportunity barriers that keep them out of most male-dominated industries.

Scholarship Applications Accepted Year-Round! Share this online application today. Donate now.

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Cheryl O’Donoghue
+1 630-253-8861
email us here

Meet Christina Bui, Aspire2STEAM Scholarship Recipient!

Originally published at